(Medical Fiction) Final Mental Adventure (Ultimo Mentis Valebat): Elton's Ethereal Journey Through S

(Medical Fiction) Final Mental Adventure (Ultimo Mentis Valebat): Elton's Ethereal Journey Through S

B. inggris 1. A: I heard that you got the highest score in the English test this morning.
B That's right.
A : ....
B: Thanks for saying so.

sambungan nya di foto, pliss bantu ​

1. A: I heard that you got the highest score in the English test this morning.
B That's right.
A : ....
B: Thanks for saying so.

sambungan nya di foto, pliss bantu ​



A: (I must compliment you on your study hard.)

B: Thanks for saying so.


B: Install the application. Log in with your email. (Do you understand?)


A: Wow! This fried rice is so tasty. What is your opinion?

B: (I think it's too spicy.)


A: Excuse me, sir.

B: (Yes? Can I help you?)


A: I've finished cooking for dinner, Mum

B: (Excellent.) You're the best.

Semoga membantu, maaf kalau ada kesalahan.
